Schools out for summer, and many parents are getting ready to say goodbye to their children going off into the world of responsibility. It feels like all the effort we put in for them has paid off, and they are now ready for what’s next. Is it Senior School, University, an Apprenticeship or are they getting started in the world of work?

But what about us? What is our role after they have gone out into the world? We need to be there for them so that they can come back home whenever they want. We’re their anchor, and we will always be there for them no matter how old they get, but now is a great time to focus on what you want for your future.

If you have been a stay at home parent or put your career on the back burner to raise your children, then you might be thinking about how to get back to what you used to love or even how to start a new journey. Many people consider returning to the workforce after their children have left home to be a big decision. However, the decision is not one-sided, and it’s important to weigh up all of the advantages and disadvantages before making a final choice.

If you were a working mum, you may feel that you missed development opportunities that you would now like to pursue, or maybe even look at a new career altogether. It could also be a time you want to step back from your career, have less responsibility and spend more time on personal passions and adventures. Career priorities shift at different ages, different life stages and BIG events, so perhaps you’re coming into a perfect storm.

There are so many options available to you, and the Summer is a great time to spend thinking about them. Especially this Summer, when we are beginning to see a return to the new normal, we can finally travel and spend more time with friends and family again.

September is a new school year for many children, but if your children have finished that stage in their life, September is the start of a new era for you. So, here are some things you may want to consider over the next 6 weeks.

It’s all about you

The first thing to consider is what you want. This may seem obvious, but have you really thought deeply about it. Grab some time to yourself, a pen and paper and ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your priorities for the next stage in your life? Career change, return to work, starting your own business, career progression or more time for personal interests or a passion project?
  • Where are you now – personally, professionally, financially. If you don’t know where you are now, it’s harder to navigate to where you want to be
  • What motivates you? What do you enjoy doing? and just as important, what do you really dislike?
  • What are your strengths and most significant achievements?

Once you understand who you are, where you are now and where you want to go, the next step is exploring your opportunities.

What opportunities are available?

If you have decided you want to make a change to your career, do you know what that change is and are there currently opportunities available in the employment market? Below are some of the options you can think about:

should i stay or should i go

When you’re thinking about a career change, here are some further questions to ask yourself:

  • Are there positions available in the current employment market? Use LinkedIn or job boards to assess the market.
  • What do you want most from your next role? Think back over your career and make a list of the best things about each job – the environment, the colleagues you had, the type of work you did, the manager you had.
  • Have you thought about flexible working or job share options?
  • Do you have the skills and knowledge required for the role you would like to do next, or do you need to spend some time upskilling or reskilling?
  • Which companies would you like to work for and why?

After taking the time to ask yourself these questions, you can step forward into a new stage of your life, knowing where you are now and where you want to go.

Take your time

One of the most important things to remember is that this is a significant change in your life stage, and you don’t have to rush your decisions. Enjoy your summer, and take your time to figure these things out. It doesn’t all have to be done right now.

Enjoy time with your family, spend time with your children before they move on to their next stage of life and make time for self-care! Look after you…

Self-care isn’t optional, it’s compulsory!

Furthermore, having support on your journey can be hugely beneficial. It can speed up your progress, reduce job search fatigue, and increase your motivation. We are experts in career management at Career Voyage and provide this support through our Be Inspired Get Hired campaign.

So, if this is your year to find a role that creates a life you love, click the button below to join our job search club and receive our FREE 5 Secrets to Getting Hired ebook.

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