If you can see it you can be it – a local solution to the skills shortage in construction
Earlier this week, I was invited for a tour around AccXel in Cinderford in the Forest of Dean. AccXel is a state-of-the-art centre of excellence to inspire, train and connect people entering and advancing within the UK construction industry. Developed by the industry...
Could Job Share Be a Solution to Closing the Gender Pay Gap?
After little change to the Gender Pay Gap in 25 years, could job shares be a solution? We’ve explored the theory a little more here.

How to Avoid Being Part of The Great Resignation
There is definitely hope in the air that we are close to returning to a more permanent sense of normality; however, this brings the future of jobs into question more than ever. Increasing numbers of businesses are expecting their employees to return to the physical...
Implementing Senior Level Job Shares into Your Organisation
These are challenging times in the business world, so it is more important than ever to continue attracting and retaining the best possible talent that will allow your business to compete and grow. The recruitment, retention, and progression of senior women are...