50+, Age Diversity, Back2Work, Career planning, Flexible Working, Love Work, Wellbeing
Imagine a picture-perfect moment, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the snow is glistening and I’m walking my 2 small toddlers, a girl and...
50+, Age Diversity, Job Search
Companies care so much about culture, employee engagement, internal comms, employer brand, employee experience, and I’m urging them to think about their potential employee and candidate experience.
Business Success, Business Support, Flexible Working, Talent Attraction, Wellbeing
As someone with deep experience in the 50+ workplace agenda, there is one organisation that I look to for good practice, experience and the pioneering attitude that is continuing to pave the way. I first met Alistair McQueen, Head of Savings and Retirement at Aviva...
Business Success, Captivating Career Conversations, Interview, Lifelong learning, Love Work
Let me tell you about Roz. Because Roz’s story is so inspiring and offers an amazing example of how innovative approaches to team development at Renishaw can have a real and sustainable impact. I first heard about Roz Woodman via her colleague Ben Goodare, the Head...
Business Success, Flexible Working, Talent Attraction
As Mental Health Week kicks off, it reminds us that our mental well-being deserves attention, understanding, and support. In an era marked by relentless demands and increasing pressures, nurturing mental health is essential for individuals and organisations alike....
Business Success, Business Support, Talent Attraction
This is one of my favourite subjects. Think overqualified, think highly experienced; what’s not to like? It sounds like an outstanding employee and an interim manager to me! I’m pleased to say in the media and society, the 50+ narrative is changing at last....
Interview, Lifelong learning, Love Work
On a cold, wintery morning in December, I walked into SPP Pumps in Coleford to meet Laura Hurcombe, Head of UK Manufacturing. I’m a huge advocate for showcasing the fantastic range of businesses and employers we are so lucky to have in the Forest of Dean. Laura...
Business Success, Lifelong learning, Love Work
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Cheltenham Literature Festival. Jamie Oliver was there to promote his new book and did an inspiring talk about his life and career to date. He talks with such enthusiasm, and the purpose and passion that drives him shine...
Back2Work, Career planning, Love Work
It’s the first full week of September and is always a month for transition and change. Autumn is here already; the branches on the trees are low, the leaves are already falling, and the blackberries have been foraged already. This is the week of new beginnings...