Did you know that 94% of headhunters are active on LinkedIn? And only 36% of jobseekers use LinkedIn to search for their next role / assignment.

This startling disparity puts you at a distinct advantage if you’re part of the 36%.

So, where do you start? First of all, we’d recommend checking out your profile to ensure it represents you in the best way possible, so that headhunters can evaluate your professional and personal attributes, who you are connected to, what recommendations you have received, how active you are in posting updates, joining in topical discussions and sharing others’ posts. The good thing is that LinkedIn makes this really easy, with a simple tool to prompt you on the important keywords and other attributes that you might not have thought of.

LinkedIn has become a very powerful tool for your career armoury, but where do you start? We’ve put together this webinar to help you sharpen up your profile and put yourself in the best possible light when it comes to attracting future employers or clients.

I’ve been working with LinkedIn and social media expert Luan Wise to put together a webinar to take you through these steps. It’s packed with tips, including rights and wrongs of LinkedIn etiquette. It’s important to get your public profile right if you are to attract the right attention on LinkedIn! You can see this webinar below. Just set aside half an hour, and have pen and paper ready to take notes – it’ll help you later.



Once your profile is complete and you’re happy with it, you’ll find our advice on how to get noticed, and how to track potential employers essential as you embark on your next assignment or challenge.

Remember, 96% of recruiters are active on LinkedIn, and will check you out there if you’re being considered for a role.

So, if you’re actively posting articles, commenting on others’ posts and boosting your visibility, you’ll be elevating your status above that of other potential candidates, putting you in strong contention to secure the role you really want to move onto next.

As a career strategist I’m a strong advocate of taking control of your online profile to use it to your advantage, it makes a big difference very quickly.

Of course, confidence, interview technique, and understanding your strengths and weaknesses help too, and that’s why Career Voyage offer one on one coaching sessions to help you identify your best attributes and how to reach bigger and better professional goals.

If you’d like a chat, then please get in touch; I’d be pleased to hear from you. But I do urge you to watch our webinar above – it’s a great place to start, and you’ll learn how to make changes that you can put in place straight away. Plus there are top tips on how to receive job alerts when your dream job comes up, or from your favourite prospective employers!